It's Raining Gollums!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pest: Have you got a boyfriend?
Sam: Yeah.

Pest: Are you sure about him? Where is he? Cos he ain't exactly looking after you tonight.
Sam: He's in Ghana.

Pest: You go out with an African man?
Sam: No, he's helping children. He volunteers for the Red Cross.

Pest: Oh, is it? Why can't he help the children of Britain? Not exotic enough, is it? Don't get no nice suntan.

She Never Wants To

Sunday, February 12, 2012

'I sent her every type of flower
I played her a guitar by the hour
I petted her revolting little Chihuahua
But still she just didn't want to.'

Madddddd mofo, this Nick Cave is.